Well it seems as if I've lost what small viewership I had, I blame my busy life and schedule. No worries however, it was a pipe dream of sorts that this would take off and become something people would actually visit every couple of days for news and reviews. Whatever, this train will keep on chugging nonetheless. So as I said I've been swamped and so I haven't had the time to properly sit down and review some things but I'm going to briefly rundown what I've so far played since my last post and do what you will with the information.
Dead Space: Go out and rent this immediately! If this were a drought period I would tell you to rush out and buy it but the game clocks in at around 9 hours and gamers need all the money they can to purchase games with both a solid single-player and multiplayer experience if they're going to get their moneys worth. This game even lacking multiplayer is still amazing and deserves to be played.
Far Cry 2: I've only ventured into the jungles a bit on this one but this is another rental, this one more so for the overall quality rather than because it's short. Overall it's a fun experience but it certainly has some issues and those issues play out throughout the entire length of the game. It's worth checking out however and I recommend you either rent it now or buy it during the drought and when it's cheaper and lighter on the ol' wallet.
Guitar Hero World Tour: Don't bother with this, something about it feels so cold and solely made to rake in the millions upon millions, please, pick up the product that still feels like it has a heart and soul to it and stick with the Rock Band name. Harmonix has so far proven they can do no wrong. Neversoft on the other hand, eehhh, not so much.
Fallout 3: Eventually I should be giving this epic sized game a review of its own but until then if you haven't already read up on it and saw all the great scores it's been receiving I'm just adding another great score to that pile, go out and get this, everyone seems to be treating this as Oblivion with guns but the Fallout brand is much stronger than that and it shines through in every moment of the game.
Fable 2: Give this one a rent, it's short, it didn't deliver on all its promises and while it's fun it's nothing superb. I'm sure I'll give this a full review as well whenever I get a large chunk of free time.
That's about all I've played up to this point, I will be trying to start and complete both the new James Bond title Quantum of Solace just because I can't wait for the movie and the game doesn't look half-bad, and Gears of War 2. I'm not going to go really into the details of why I want to play GoW2, I think at this point everybody does, I'm not in some minority boat. Well that's all from me, I'm still alive, I'm still gaming, and I'll still be blogging, just as soon as life calms down a bit. Take care readers!