This game should have been awesome. This game does look awesome in screenshots and in theory, but after playing through the entire campaign repetition and boredom set in quickly.
So in this game, which is considered canon, you take the role of Darth Vader's secret apprentice code-named "
Starkiller", the story here is interesting, you'll see many things from the Star Wars films including cameos from more than Vader and the Emperor, there's a nifty boss fight with someone from Episode I, and you run across a young Princess that you may remember from the movies. Because I'm a fan of the original trilogy and the game focuses more on those aspects, it help my attention and I sought to see what would happen next, though now that I look back on it I
should've realized how it would all eventually end.
gameplay however gets stale quickly, the intro level and the first level that you play as the Apprentice are fun, but after that the game ramps up in difficulty and enemies gain resistance to some of your Force powers causing you to find and frequently use repeated combos that get the job done instead of just going all out with the Force and enjoying the destruction. Depending on what level you're on and the enemies being thrown your way, the game can be sorta fun to downright frustrating. There are moments where the developers thought it would be a good idea to have you fight multiple
Rancors, this wouldn't be that much of a problem if the Force Grip and Throw worked precisely and quickly, but beyond the
Rancors who want you dead you've got these
indigenous people who are being run by a leader and until you take out their leader they're pretty much invincible, so you've got to deal with those, oh but wait there's also these
indigenous King type versions of these creatures in yellow that will either mess you up if you try to go in close and
lightsaber them or if you stray from them they'll throw powerful projectiles that knock you down. I can't count how many times I was bludgeoned with tons of enemies and there really was no right way to deal with them, I figured I'm the one with the
lightsaber here I should be able to dole out my extreme Force powers AND slice and dice with the saber,
apparently there exist creatures and types of Stormtroopers that can withstand 10 or so smacks from the saber. As you progress through the game you can unlock more combos and increase the ranks of your Force powers, but your enemies grow stronger throughout the game as well so this basically leaves you on an even playing field throughout, and the new combos you acquire are more trouble to pull off than they're worth.
Two other things of note, one is that the boss battles are lackluster, I really want to stroll into a store and leaf through the strategy guide for this game because by my understanding there was no strategy required, more luck. The game seems to decide when your saber will dole out damage, and Force Push during the battles is a joke because it works no doubt, whoever you're fighting will indeed fly back and lay there for a few moments recouping yet if you dash over to strike them when you would think they're at their weakest you'll notice their life bar doesn't drop a
smidge. My only other gripe is the fact that the pulling down a Star Destroyer scene is marred and boring as hell, kill some tie-fighters, pull, rinse and repeat until you've pulled it enough to trigger a
cut scene. I wish the games levels had been the Apprentice just massively messing places up and then at the end of each level would be a difficult boss fight with strategy and clashing Force powers.
I don't really feel like speaking too much more on the game, the visuals are very good, the sound as well, overall the title will last you about 6-8 hours and there's two endings so you may revisit the game one last time to load the last level and see the other ending like I did. Overall there were brief moments where I was enjoying myself but overall the combat is lacking and it's repetitive. If you're a big Star Wars fan then I only can suggest renting it, everyone else can just skip it.
Final Verdict: Thumbs Down
Darth Vader: "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed."