Alright, I'm back. Finally. All you 10-20 people who visit the site once every 4 months are in for a surprise. I've got 4 months off, well besides working a job, but I should have much more time to sit down and play some stuff and then subsequently review them on here. First on my list is The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, I'm most looking forward to playing Butcher Bay again, it's been quite awhile since I last played it but I've heard it holds up quite nicely. I've heard mostly bad about the Dark Athena portions so stay tuned for that to see which way I sway in that debate.
Well, I don't have much more new material then that, basically this Summer I expect to get through Bionic Commando, Prototype, Ghostbusters, Batman: Arkham Asylum, there's probably many more I'm forgetting. Anyway keep your eyes peeled to here now and then, there will be updates again. Hoo-ray! Now shove off and go play some games, or enjoy the warm weather, whichever you choose you can't go wrong.